flashback cmm 001

Superámos as expectativas!

Apesar da chuva a primeira CRITICAL MASS MAPUTO contou com 9 participantes (incluindo um bebé com 8 meses)!

Às 18h30, na Praça da Independência, sob os olhares curiosos de automobilistas e peões, iniciámos o passeio. Pedalámos pela Baixa da cidade e pela Av. Marginal, apitando as campainhas e despertando o interesse e apoio de quem nos viu passar.

No próximo mês esperamos superar o número de participantes e continuaremos a promover a utilização de bicicleta na cidade de Maputo.

Contamos com a sua presença!

We exceeded our expectations!

Despite the rain the first CRITICAL MASS MAPUTO featured 9 bikers (including a baby of 8 months)!

At 6.30pm, at the Praça da Independência and under the prying eyes of motorists and pedestrians, we started the ride. We cycled around Downtown and the Av. Marginal, whistling bells and arousing the interest and support of those who saw us cycling.

Next month we expect to exceed the number of participants and will continue to promote the use of bicycle in the city of Maputo.

We count on you!

14 responses to “flashback cmm 001

  1. Pingback: Vai uma voltinha?! « A Sul do Mundo

  2. well done! nice pix – hope to be with u next month – 1st one clashed with showing of Nomadlab documentary films – there to see Luciana Hees’ hairdressing one.

  3. Parabéns!

  4. Thumbs up for keeping the spirit of bike riding alive in Maputo! The pictures are great and really capture the spirit of the event.

    I wish I could have joined you for the ride!

  5. where will the biking start on Friday 26/1?

  6. hi miss portugal, enjoyed viewing the photos. keep going

  7. obrigada pelo apoio!
    estamso a preparar o panfleto para o mês de FEVEREIRO. assim que estiver no blog, enviaremos um mail a todos a dar a notícia.

    thanks for the support!
    we are preparing the FEBRUARY flyer. as soon as we post it we will let all of you know.

  8. Chance Briggs

    Do you have an email list? If so, can you add me? Thanks. -Chance

  9. Pingback: Critical Mass Maputo #002 « A Sul do Mundo

  10. pretty much how we started :)))

    antwerp is putting his thumbs up!


  11. 9!foi apenas o nr inicial para o start…
    dia 26 de fev 2010 maputo sera a capital da pedalada.
    como fazer pra ter os panfletos pra divulgacao do evento?

  12. Great initiative! I wanted to join you but why is the timing so inconvenient? 18.30h: Rush hour, dusk or dark, downtown Baixa… not the best time to ride a bike in Maputo!
    Let me know of the next event,


  13. antwerp, we’ll get where you are for sure!

    dercio, enviaremos um mail com o poster para divulgação pessoal.

    salvatore, the initiative is great and has received a great amount of support. the idea is to keep it after work hours, and not everyone leaves their offices before 5pm, like the group who is starting this “project”. we also believe that with this heat it is important to do our ride by sun down and considering that traffic gets a lot less chaotic around this time too as our first CMM 001 proved to be. if you give us an email where we can send you the flyers of CMMs to come, we will gladly let you know.
    otherwise you can always read our blog and if you do you will notice that the date for the CMM 002 is already decided. please don’t let the time/traffic/itinerary keep you from joining in!

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